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Repairing a corrupt btrfs filesystem - Manjaro Linux Forum
Got a wierd one here… It started with me noticing that I am unable to run any system updates anymore. At some point I realized that my btrfs filesystem is mounted readonly. Checking journalctl shows that there have been some disk corruption issues, which may have been caused by a combination of lack of free space combined with my system’s general instability after enter/waking up from ...

Disabled touchpad while typing -xfce -xinput -startup
Major opcode of failed request: 131 (XInputExtension) Minor opcode of failed request: 57 Serial number of failed request: 20 Current serial number in output stream: 21” Even if I try sudo su it will come up with the same result. [setayo@SamsungS9 ~]$ xinput set-prop 11 320 0 [setayo@SamsungS9 ~]$ sudo su

Status of ARM Stable Updates: No Major Update Since March 2024?
Hello, please don’t take this the wrong way. I appreciate your time and work on Linux Manjaro, and I understand that some things simply take longer sometimes. As far as I can see, the last major ARM Stable update was in March 2024, which means it’s been more than 7 months. Looking back at previous updates, this seems like quite a long time, especially for a rolling OS. I find bug fixes and ...

Problem with prime-run - Graphics & Display - Manjaro Linux Forum
inxi -G. Graphics: Device-1: Intel UHD Graphics 630 driver: i915 v: kernel Device-2: NVIDIA TU117GLM [Quadro T2000 Mobile / Max-Q] driver: nvidia v: 460.56 Device-3: Microdia Integrated_Webcam_HD type: USB driver: uvcvideo Device-4: Sunplus Innovation Aukey-PC-LM1E Camera type: USB driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.10 driver: loaded: modesetting resolution: 1 ...

Driver issue with Nvidia GPU, hybrid laptop - Manjaro Linux Forum
Hello guys. My Nvidia GPU is not working. nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. My computer is a Lenovo laptop, with Intel i5 3230M (HD4000) + nVidia 720m. Manjaro KDE with kernel 5.15. I tried Bumblebee but it doesn’t work, I installed optimus-manager but the manager GUI ...

Manjaro KDE hangs during boot after major Feb 2024 update
Installing the latest Feb 2024 update (~1.2G in size) caused Manjaro KDE to hang during boot. Temporarily disabling “quiet splash” in GRUB during boot revealed that the hang was related to Plymouth (plymouth terminate.service?). Fortunately I had created a recent backup, which I restored and booted from. I then removed plymouth from etc/mkinitcpio.conf, ran “sudo mkinitcpio -P” to ...

Manjaro 24.1 a positive development. Thanks so much for a wonderful ...
The last major upgrade I did on 14-05-2024 was a complete disaster for me. After restarting the machine after completing the upgrade via the package manager, the kde desktop’s screen size became incredibly large and it was not possible to start any programs or system tools!

How to optimize Manjaro performance on an older laptop?
But in order to work efficiently, we shall also ask you to follow three major points. Provide context Simply signaling an issue is rarely enough to understand how it occurred. It is thus important to provide details on how it happened: Detail prior actions leading to the issue. List solutions and guides you already tried, with links whene…

Manjaro 21.2.1 Qonos released! - First Point-Release for 2022
Manjaro 21.2.1 Since we released Pahvo Mid-Season last year all our developer teams worked hard to get the next release of Manjaro out there. We call it Qonos. This release features major improvements to Calamares, including filesystem selection for automatic partitioning and enhanced support for btrfs. For btrfs installations, the default subvolume layout has been improved for easier ...

USB C Displayport Alt Mode Not Functioning - Manjaro Linux Forum
Detailed Issue Report: External Monitor Not Working on Manjaro Linux with Hybrid AMD/NVIDIA Graphics 1. Introduction I have been working through this issue with the help of chatgpt’s new 01advanced model and this is a summary of what has been happening and what I have done up to this point. I am experiencing an issue where an external monitor connected via a USB-C to DisplayPort adapter is ...

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