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What is a knock-on in rugby union? - Rugby World
What is a knock-on in rugby union? A knock-on is what it says on the tin and occurs when a player knocks the ball forward, most often when they are possession or attempting to catch a ball. The team without the ball are given the put-in at a scrum.

World Rugby Passport - 11 Knock-on or throw forward
11.2 It is a knock-on when a player, in tackling or attempting to tackle an opponent, makes contact with the ball and the ball goes forward. Sanction: Scrum (if the ball goes into touch, the non-offending team may opt instead for a quick-throw or lineout).

What Is a Knock On In Rugby? (Explained For Beginners)
A knock on in rugby occurs when a player drops the ball forward or the ball hits off their hand or arm and moves forward. If the ball hits the ground or another player catches it, the referee awards a knock on infringement. If the ball moves backward from a fumble, a knock on does not occur.

World Rugby Passport - Laws by number
News and Updates Player Welfare / Medical Injury Prevention and Risk Management Coaching Officiating Laws of the Game Conditioning for Rugby Match Day Staff Protect the Game Player Eligibility Training and Education Workforce Information Administrators Academy Rugby Agents Safeguarding Qualification Equivalency

The Fundamentals of a Knock-On in Rugby: A Complete Guide - ourballsports
A knock-on is a fundamental rule violation in rugby, occurring when a player loses possession of the ball, propelling it unintentionally forward from their hands or arms to the ground, another player, or any other object.

Open Play - World Rugby
Knock-on. When a player mishandles the ball, i.e. drops it or allows it to rebound off a hand or arm, and the ball travels forwards, it is known as a knock-on. This is punishable by a scrum to the opposition and therefore a turnover of possession.

What Is A Knock-On In Rugby? Definition & Meaning On SportsLingo
A knock-on is when a player intentionally or unintentionally hits the ball forward with their hand or arm. The key factor is that the ball is moving forward or toward the opponent’s goal. What Are Some Examples Of Knock-Ons?

Law 12 - Knock-on or throw-forward - Rugby365
A knock-on occurs when a player loses possession of the ball and it goes forward, or when a player hits the ball forward with the hand or arm, or when the ball hits the hand or arm and goes forward, and the ball touches the ground or another player before the original player can catch it.

BBC SPORT | Rugby Union | Laws & Equipment | Knock-ons and ... - BBC News
If they fail to catch or pick up the ball cleanly and it travels forward off a hand or arm and hits the ground or another player, it is called a knock-on. The same applies if a player is tackled...

What is a knock on in rugby
A “knock on” in rugby refers to when the ball is knocked forward and out of the hands, either by the player carrying it or by another player, before it has been touched to the ground or caught. This is considered a turnover and results in a scrum awarded to the other team.

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