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"Free of" vs. "Free from" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
So free from is used to indicate protection from something problematic, and free of (which doesn't correspond neatly to freedom of) is used to indicate the absence of something: this shampoo is free of parabens. Therefore: The people were free from the barbaric dictator. The mashed potatoes were free of lumps. I wish I could get rid of this ...

What is the word for when someone gives you something for free instead ...
From en.wiktionary, freebie means “(informal) Something which is free; a giveaway or handout”. Thus, the item given you is a freebie; it was given to you gratis or on the house, as mentioned in previous answers, or free of charge. If you had purchased something, and another item were thrown in for free, the term lagniappe could be used

How to ask about one's availability? "free/available/not busy"?
Saying free or available rather than busy may be considered a more "positive" enquiry. It may also simply mean that you expect the person to be busy rather than free, rather than the other way round. Saying available rather than free is considered slightly more formal, though I wouldn't worry much about usage cases. (Most people wouldn't think ...

On Saturday afternoon or in the Saturday afternoon?
The choice of prepositions depends upon the temporal context in which you're speaking. "On ~ afternoon" implies that the afternoon is a single point in time; thus, that temporal context would take the entire afternoon as one of several different afternoons, or in other words, one would use "on" when speaking within the context of an entire week.

orthography - Free stuff - "swag" or "schwag"? - English Language ...
My company gives out free promotional items with the company name on it. Is this stuff called company swag or schwag? It seems that both come up as common usages—Google searching indicates that the bias is slightly towards swag. Can anybody provide any definite proof of the root of the word and which one is more correct?

pronouns - When is it correct to use "yourself" and "myself" (versus ...
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

Word/phrase for free flight rides given to pilots
Free rides or free flights mean what you want, but free flight means weightless flight, which can be achieved for short periods by conventional aircraft and is permanent in orbit. The weightless training flights do have a particular term/phrase among astronauts, however: the flights, and the planes, are called the Vomit Comet.

difference between "break free of" and "break free from"
definition: 1\break free of something or someone IDIOM: = escape (from), leave, withdraw from, extricate yourself from, free yourself of, disentangle yourself from • his inability to break free of his marriage. 2\break something free (from something) to force something to detach from something; to get something out of the hold of something else.

prepositions - Does "until [date]" mean "before that date"? - English ...
This is not good English. Either it was written by somebody for whom English is not a native language, in which case I wouldn't necessarily conclude anything about his interpretation from the text, or it was written in a hurry by someone who meant to put (you have until 18 August) in parentheses, in which you should deliver it by 23:59 on 18 August.

What does "There is no such thing as a free lunch" mean?
N. B. - A free lunch every day at 11 o'clock will be served up. Free lunches, often cold food but sometimes quite elaborate affairs, were provided for anyone who bought drink..... Indeed, some saloon keepers were prosecuted for false advertising of free lunch as customers couldn't partake of it without first paying money to the saloon.

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